Women's Liberation
Gay Liberation
Transgender Identity Politics

all credit to:
Dr Jane Clare Jones's "Implications of Trans ideology",
Dr Jane Clare Jones's "The Annals of the TERF-Wars",
Amy Sousa's "There's No Such Thing as a TERF",
Amy Sousa's "Woman Describe vs Prescribe",
Paradox Institute's "Intersex: A Third Sex Category?",
Paradox Institute's "A Defense of Biological Sex",
Dr Em's 4-Part "The Trojan Unicorn: Queer Theory and Paedophilia",
La Scapigliata's "Compilation of Articles and Videos".

This transwoman, Decaudin, successfully got the NY State Democratic Party to dismantle the “one male, one female” rule from Democratic State Committees—A rule which the women’s suffrage movement fought to put into place. The rule guaranteed females an equal seat at the Democratic table.

This is not about 'peeing'.

This is about the denigrating, dehumanising, and demeaning malicious erasure of women, both as a biological class, and as a political category.

See link to Dr Jane Clare Jones's Implications for women, Implications for feminism and gender non-conforming people, Implications for children, especially homosexual children, especially lesbian girls, Implications for lesbians.

"The present crop of trans activists want access to women’s space as a matter of political priority because it serves the function of ‘validating’ their identities, and they seem to give not one shit about whether it opens women to danger, or reactivates the trauma many women carry from male violence. Let’s just be clear about this – women’s single sex space does not exist to validate anyone’s identity, it exists to protect women from male violence. Refusing to recognize this is a very clear instance of the divergence between women and trans women’s interests, and of the effort to prioritize trans women’s interests over women’s interests using ‘hate-speech’ as a bludgeon."

"If you cannot name sex, and you decide that naming sex is a hate-crime, you effectively make the feminist analysis of women’s oppression unsayable."

"We won’t be able to tell you about the pay-gap, or women’s political representation, or rape as a sex-based crime with any degree of authority. The crimes of natal males who identify as women will be recorded as women’s crimes. This has dramatic implications for the feminist analysis of male-pattern violence. There are important questions about whether male-born and socialized people stop committing crimes overwhelmingly characteristic of men simply because they say they are women. Trans activism is committed to the proposition that they do, because they have ‘female souls’ or some such and have always been women, and the demand for access to women’s space is predicated on this belief. No statistical evidence has been produced to support it."

"Feminism is not a fucking girl’s club. It’s a political movement, and it has political objectives, and established forms of political analysis. You are very very welcome – as many older generation trans women have done – to enter into feminism, and to ally yourself with our political projects. What you are not welcome to do is demand access to our political movement, and then demand that we change the core elements of our political project and analysis because you find it ‘alienating.’ (Rachel Dolezal joins the NAACP and then demands people stop talking about the history and effects of slavery because it ‘excludes’ trans-racial people. That’s actually the parallel. Just let that sink in)."

-Dr Jane Clare Jones


Compilation of Articles and Videos by La Scapigliata

Decide For Yourself: Transgender Crimes

Women: Decide For Yourselves

Consequences of Transgender Laws and Trans Propaganda, i.e. They Say This Never Happens

The trans murder epidemic is a LIE

Vancouver Rape Relief Targeted with Vile Vandalism

Trans Crime

TRA Violent Threats

These are not our Crimes

TERF is a slur; abuse, harassment, and misogyny of transgender identity politics

Ms Jo Rowling and the trans activists


Jack Appleby tweeted on July 9, 2019,
"I don't get how so many people have obviously not asked themselves this question...
What's more likely: That a load of life-long left-leaning LGBT-supporting women have inexplicably and uncharacteristically all suddenly become bigots or that one might be missing something here?"

and someone finally asked.

Boy George tweeted on July 5, 2020,
"Would someone please explain once and for all why JK and so many women, including friends of mine, are so against 'trans people? I just don't understand?"

As a 20 year old medical student, a life-long left-leaning LGBT-supporting woman, people I know have asked the same question.

So, this carrd is to help them understand.

The following was written by the brilliant Dr Jane Clare Jones:

1. Changing the definition of woman without the consent of women. Specifically changing the definition from one based in biology to one based on gender identity. It should be uncontroversial that all groups of people have a right to define themselves, and this is particularly true when that definition describes an oppressed class of persons. It seems further true that it might be a really big problem when that definition is being changed by people born into the oppressor class, and in the interests of people born into the oppressor class. This definitional change then leads to:

2. The erasure of women, both as a biological class, and as a political category. This is profoundly dehumanizing, and results, specifically, in injunctions against women naming their bodies, and the political implications of their bodies. This then leads to:

3. Making the description of the sex-based nature of women’s oppression unsayable, that is, making the feminist analysis of the mechanism of women’s oppression a thought and hate-crime. Injunctions against the naming of sex also lead to:

4. Legislative changes which would interfere with the recording of natal sex. This will have an impact on the collection of data used to track and describe the sex-based oppression of women, including women’s representation in public life, the pay-gap, and very significantly, crime statistics and the analysis of male violence.

5. The denial that there is any meaningful difference between male people who identify as women and female people then leads to the demand that all services for female people be open to male born people who identify as women. The current form of trans rights activism considers identification rather than transition to be the criteria that determines whether someone is a trans woman, and the current consultation on the Gender Recognition Act is about whether self-declared identification rather than transition should be the basis for someone’s birth sex being reassigned. In practice this will make all women and girl’s single-sex spaces and services open to any male person who claims they are a woman. That this is wide-open for abuse by predatory men and paedophiles should be evident to anyone who has not pickled their brain in an enormous vat of trans ideology.

6. The fact that it is, therefore, in the interests of the trans rights movement to consistently deny the reality of male violence against women and girls is, by itself, evidence of the fact that trans women who are committed to the present form of trans ideology are not capable of representing the political interests of women, and are not capable of acting politically with women in feminist solidarity. The election of trans women in political positions normally occupied by women is, therefore, a harm to the political interests of women.

7. In addition to the problems that arise from the denial of the reality of human sexual dimorphism, trans ideology is also committed to a regressive theory of essentialist gender identity. This actually serves to reinforce patriarchal gender conformity by making all gender non-conforming people a different ‘class.’ Rather than viewing gender non-conformity as evidence of the fact that gender conformity is a patriarchal straightjacket, trans ideology thus propagates the idea that feminine men, and masculine women, are something other than their natal sex.

8. The association between gender non-conformity and trans identity is of particular concern with regard to the medicalization of gender non-conforming and gay children. There are serious potential consequences of that medicalization, including sterility, effects on sexual function, and other side-effects of life-long use of cross-sex hormones. None of these effects have been subjected to thorough research. There was nothing in the gay rights movement which was remotely equivalent to the potential harms of this medicalization, and, moreover, these harms are potentially being directed largely at homosexuals.

9. The potential unnecessary medicalization of children is of particular concern with respect to female children, because the massive increase in referrals to gender identity specialists since the beginning of this phase of trans rights advocacy has seen a hugely disproportionate referral of girls. This is worrying because there are reasons to believe a substantial proportion of these girls are lesbians, many are on the autistic spectrum, and there may also be issues thrown up by the trauma girls experience going through puberty in a patriarchy, especially sexual abuse and objectification.

10. Because of the erasure of women in general and the views of feminist women in particular, the trans rights movement is creating particular issues for the recognition and respect of lesbian women within the historic gay rights movements. As we’ll discuss later this is massively compounded by the fact that trans rights is committed to the erasure of sex, and hence cannot recognise same-sex attraction. This is of particular issue for lesbians because they are coming under increasing pressure to accept male bodied people who identify as women as sexual partners, in opposition to their sexual orientation. Charmingly, the trans rights movement has taken to calling exclusively same-sex attracted women, “vagina fetishists.” Nice work guys.

Click here for the full brilliant essay by the brilliant Dr Jane Clare Jones

Biological Sex in Humans

Biological sex in humans is defined as the type of gamete one's reproductive anatomy is organised to produce.

Biological sex in humans is:
1 binary (female or male)
2 determined at conception
3 observed at birth
4 immutable

FEMALE BODIES develop towards the production of OVA.

Humans with FEMALE BODIES are called:
'Women' or 'Girls'.

MALE BODIES develop towards the production of SPERM.

Humans with MALE BODIES are called:
'Men' or 'Boys'.


Variations in sex characteristics (i.e. females or males with intersex conditions / disorders of sex development [DSDs]) do not affect one's BIOLOGICAL SEX, which is determined only by the type of gamete one's reproductive anatomy is organised to produce.

Variations in personal identity (e.g. females or males with gender dysphoria / gender identity disorders [GIDs]) do not affect one's BIOLOGICAL SEX, which is determined only by the type of gamete one's reproductive anatomy is organised to produce.

Humanity is beautifully diverse and complex.
Multidimensional variations in genetics, neurobiology (the structure and connections of the brain), and endocrinology (the influence of hormones on the body), display this beautiful diversity and complexity.

Because there are only two gametes of differing size, there are only two sexes, with variation within females and variation within males.

Every human being develops either a reproductive system ORGANISED to support ova, or a reproductive system ORGANISED to support sperm.

Thus, the line dividing the two biological classes and the line dividing the two political categories must be defined by biological sex, because the rest of it is subjective.

See Zach Elliott’s response and video response to the Scientific American article ‘Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia'- an article which ironically uses phony science to attempt to justify an un-scientific ideology.

Human Females, i.e. Women/Girls

Human Females are called 'Women' or 'Girls'.

The 'Human Female'/'Woman' biological class and political category INCLUDES:

1 Women with DSDs

2 Transsexual Females, i.e. Transmen, i.e. Females with sex dysmorphia (females who have undergone gender reassignment surgery [GRS])

3 Trans-Identified Females, i.e. Transmen, i.e. Females without sex dysmorphia or 'gender dysphoria' (females who have not undergone nor plan to undergo gender reassignment surgery [GRS])

4 Nonbinary-identified Females

5 Other gender nonconforming / gender-diverse Females

All of the above fall under the biological class and political category of WOMAN, because WOMAN is the DESCRIPTOR for HUMAN FEMALE.

This is because terms like 'non-binary' and 'trans' and 'gender' all refer to one's personal identity, not BIOLOGICAL SEX.
One's personal identity, or subjective perception of one's 'gender', does not change or affect one's BIOLOGICAL SEX, which is either female or male, determined at conception, observed at birth, and immutable.

Females remain female for life, no matter how they identify, no matter what hormones they take, no matter what surgeries they get. Females remain in female bodies - bodies organised around a female reproductive system - for life.

Human Males, i.e. Men/Boys

Human Males are called 'Men' or 'Boys'.

The 'Human Male'/'Man' biological class and political category INCLUDES:

1 Men with DSDs

2 Transsexual Males, i.e. Transwomen, i.e. Males with sex dysmorphia (males who have undergone gender reassignment surgery [GRS])

3 Trans-Identified Males, i.e. Transwomen, i.e. Males without sex dysmorphia or 'gender dysphoria' (males who have not undergone nor plan to undergo gender reassignment surgery [GRS])

4 Nonbinary-identified Males

5 Other gender nonconforming / gender-diverse Males

All of the above fall under the biological class and political category of MAN, because MAN is the DESCRIPTOR for HUMAN MALE.

This is because terms like 'non-binary' and 'trans' and 'gender' all refer to one's personal identity, not BIOLOGICAL SEX.
One's personal identity, or subjective perception of one's 'gender', does not change or affect one's BIOLOGICAL SEX, which is either female or male, determined at conception, observed at birth, and immutable.

Males remain male for life, no matter how they identify, no matter what hormones they take, no matter what surgeries they get. Males remain in male bodies - bodies organised around a male reproductive system - for life.


"In 1994, a young woman in Iran was shot DEAD for wearing lipstick. In reaction, a woman called Homa Darabi burned herself alive.

When we’re talking about feminism, or women’s liberation, we’re talking about something serious. We’re talking about life and death. We’re not talking about whether we can have a seat on the board of General Motors. That’s not the issue. The issue’s not even lifestyle. The issue is survival."

-Germaine Greer

The ‘radical’ in Radical Feminism refers to the idea of getting to the ‘root’.
The analysis made by radical feminism is that within a patriarchal culture, the root of a woman’s EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION is based on woman’s REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY.

Woman’s reproductive capacity is both the WHY and the HOW of how this exploitation functions.

WHY are women exploited?

Women are exploited because women are born in bodies organised around the production of making large immobile gametes, i.e. a female reproductive system.

HOW are women exploited?

Women are exploited through the forced control of woman’s female reproductive system.

That is the root analysis of Radical Feminism.

Overt examples of women’s exploitation would be practices like:

female infanticide

female genital mutilation

child marriages

surrogacy camps

period poverty

menstrual huts

forced pregnancy




being killed for being raped

unpaid reproductive labour

government control and restriction on abortions

These practices are not simply exploitative because they are HORRIFIC and ABUSIVE to women, but because they represent GLOBAL DOLLARS AND CENTS.

The exploitation of female bodies is part of the GDP of many countries.

The global exploitation of women’s bodies is a 100-BILLION-DOLLAR, $100,000,000,000 INDUSTRY.

The patriarchy profits off of USING and EXPLOITING women’s bodies as TOOLS and RESOURCES as if women are OBJECTS, as if women are just another RESOURCE for USE VALUE.

Trafficking and surrogacy camps are modern day slavery.

We have slavery - right here, right now, today - and it’s happening to women because they were born into specifically female bodies.

The SURROGACY INDUSTRY, globally, is a 2.3-BILLION-DOLLAR, $2,300,000,000 PER YEAR industry and is posed to increase to a 27-BILLION-DOLLAR, $27,000,000,000 PER YEAR industry by 2025.

The TRAFFICKING INDUSTRY, globally, is a 150-BILLION-DOLLAR, $150,000,000,000 PER YEAR industry.

The PROSTITUTION INDUSTRY, globally, is a 186-BILLION-DOLLAR, $186,000,000,000 PER YEAR industry.

The PORN INDUSTRY, globally, is a 90-BILLION-DOLLAR, $90,000,000,000 PER YEAR industry.

This is what the global exploitation of women looks like, today.

Lots of money is being made off the backs of women and their bodies and their reproductive processes.

Some people are making themselves rich, right now, off of women, and it’s NOT the women themselves.

The women who are largely in these, are mostly doing it in an enslaved or for very little money capacity.

MALES make up the vast majority who PROFIT,
and MALES make up the vast majority of BUYERS.

The people who are both USING and EXPLOITING women’s bodies are MALES.

(This section is transcribed from Amy Sousa's brilliant video "There's No Such Thing as a TERF".)

Radical Feminism, i.e. Women’s Liberation Movement

Radical feminism seeks LIBERATION from these exploitations and oppressions.

Radical feminism is a LIBERATION movement - a LIBERATORY movement.

Radical feminism is NOT an ‘EQUALITY’ movement.

Radical feminism does not seek equality within the patriarchy, but liberation from the patriarchy.

This movement critiques the hegemony of power which keeps women oppressed.

Solutions that include upholding the current hegemony of power are NOT real solutions.

Radical feminists seek to SMASH the patriarchy.

Radical feminists seek alternatives of relating to one another, and radical feminists do not agree with women’s bodies being made into TOOLS and RESOURCES for PROFIT.

The goal of radical feminism is reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy and this liberation further applies to seeking liberation from oppressive gender roles that are projected onto women’s bodies.

There’s also a lineage of feminist critique that has to do with the beauty industry, media, advertising- and these places are often projecting harmful beauty standards onto women and girls’ bodies. These industries collectively work as a kind of programming, and this programming has the capacity of grooming girls and women to dress and express in certain ways, especially in ways that are objectifying and perpetuate the idea that women should constantly be on display and available to the male gaze.

Again, these are industries that represent hundreds of billions of dollars in capitalist profit.
Money is being made by selling women and girls these ideas.

Radical feminists observe that these cultural gender scripts are not neutral.
These cultural gender scripts that are being perpetuated are a hierarchy in which men are designated with a certain status in culture, and women are relegated to a lesser status.

We can see this in the canons of western history, the canons of art and literature, we can see how the ‘male gaze’ has been perpetuated in a way which men are seen as the SUBJECTS and women are seen as the OBJECTS.

Even today, there are books being written revealing the ways in which this continues to be perpetuated.

Books like, Invisible Women, published in 2019 by Caroline Criado Perez critique data bias in a world designed for men. She looks at things like crash test dummies, airbags, drug and medical testing, pianos, hand-held phones, snow clearing, and traffic patterns, and she looks at how we continue to use male bodies as the default, for all kinds of ways in which we both collect data and make products.
Men’s bodies are used as the default and this is to the detriment of women’s health and safety.

We can also see in other books like, Why Women Are Blamed For Everything, published in 2020 by Dr Jessica Taylor which explores victim blaming of women that are subjected to violence and trauma and how culture continues to view men’s bodies and habits as the default while women are not only othered, but blamed for their own oppressed position.

In a very famous book, Men Explain Things to Me, published in 2014 by Rebecca Solnit, she coined the term mansplaining, which is being used all the time now, to speak to a kind of male entitlement, which somehow continues to exist in academic culture, which is a gendered pattern, which negatively impacts women who express their views in public.

Radical feminism centres ALL FEMALE BODIES (women, girls, transmen, and other gender nonconforming females) and seeks to LIBERATE female bodies from the exploitation and sexist gender roles that females face within the patriarchy.

Feminists reject the gendered mantra of “transwomen are women”, rejecting the notion of centring male bodies in feminism.

Males can dress and express however they want, but males remain male for life, and males no matter how they identify, no matter how many hormones they take, or what surgeries they get, remain in male bodies, and feminism centres female bodies.

Radical feminism is not trans exclusionary. Female bodies are centred in feminism- ALL FEMALE BODIES.
This includes transmen, non-binary females, females who may consider themselves to be agender or genderqueer.
It is a liberation movement for all female bodies.
Thus, radical feminism IS trans inclusive. It includes everyone who has a female body.
Radical feminism centres female bodies ONLY.

Many transmen have opted to give birth- that is actually one of the biggest reasons that they show up in the media is when they give birth.
Transmen have also needed abortions, they face menopause, they face period poverty- the ISSUES that FEMINISM fights for INCLUDES transmen because of the kind of BODY that they have: a body organised around a female reproductive system.

Feminism centres female bodies because of the very specific exploitation that women face, for living in female bodies. Females face global, historical, male violence, thus women have sex-based protections to spaces and sports, and our liberatory aims are SEX-BASED.
The ‘liberation’ in ‘Women’s Liberation Movement’ is a sex-based liberatory movement based on women’s reproductive capacity.

Not only are radical feminism’s aims NOT gender-based (the mantra ‘Transwomen are women’ is ‘gendering’ the word ‘woman’: that is, CHANGING the word ‘woman’ from an ESSENTIAL BEING who has a BODY ORGANISED AROUND A CERTAIN REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY, to a STYLE OF PERSON),
but radical feminism rejects the very notion of ‘gender’.

Radical feminism rejects ‘gender’ as a notion, and radical feminists see that gender is perpetuating sexist hierarchies which continue to exploit women’s bodies, even today.

Although radical feminism rejects gender, radical feminism’s aims still centre ALL FEMALE BODIES, regardless of how those specific female bodies choose to identify.

Globally, radical feminists observe that those females who are exploited in female infanticide, FGM, trafficking, surrogacy camps, etc. do not have the option of ‘identifying’ out of their lived oppression.

Globally, most of the women that these exploitations impact do not have this as an option. These tragedies often happen to them before they are even in a place where they can form an identity. Some of them it happens to be even before they could even say their own name.

This is what feminism does.
The aims and the goals centre female bodies.
The aims and the goals are specific to female bodies.
Males DO NOT REQUIRE reproductive liberation.
Male bodies do not face female infanticide, FGM, forced pregnancy, period poverty, child marriages, menstrual huts, nor do male bodies require abortion.
Male bodies don’t need it; that’s not the kind of body they have.
Radical feminism centres female bodies.
Male bodies are not excluded, per se, they’re simply not centred.
It’s not that males are ‘excluded’ from feminism, it’s just not what the aims of feminism are centring.

Liberatory movements require focusses.
That’s how we mobilise and get things done, because it has a focus.
Just like “black lives matter” centres black lives, or the “children’s movement” centres children, or the “animal rights movement” centres animals, or the “earth first movement” centres the planet,
FEMINISM centres FEMALE bodies.

This is about who is focussed on, who is centred, it’s not about being exclusionary- transmen are included- it’s just that feminism doesn’t centre male bodies, because they have no need for this kind of reproductive liberation, and their bodies are not being exploited because of their reproductive capacity.

Centring one group is NOT exclusionary. It is setting boundaries, and a focus, around the aims of that particular movement.

There is no such thing as a “TERF”, as radical feminism centred ALL FEMALE BODIES, including trans bodies that are female.

Globally, 137 women are killed, PER DAY, due to male violence.

This is hugely impacting to women. Male violence is a global issue that women continue to face.

This is today, right now, women are facing this.

Globally, the bodies of women are girls are abused and exploited daily due to male demand, for this exploitation and the question here is, do you think females deserve boundaries and bodily autonomy, or do you think they should be forced against their will to non-consensually share access to sports and spaces with male-bodied humans?

If your answer to the question is the latter option, you are part of the problem.

Not only is the term “TERF” neither a neutral descriptor nor benign, it is completely and utterly inaccurate.

“TERF” is violent hate speech directed at women who speak out against male violence,
who speak out about their sex-based rights and protections,
and who speak out about their specifically female embodied experiences.

See the response to Ms Jo Rowling.
See the abuse, harassment, and misogyny of transgender identity politics.
See TRA violent threats.

(This section is transcribed from Amy Sousa's brilliant video "There's No Such Thing as a TERF".)

Liberal Feminism, i.e. Choice Feminism

Liberal feminism, i.e. choice feminism, is what people are talking about when they say 'white feminism'. It's third-wave first-world feminism- not rooted in the real world, but rooted in post-modernism, valuing subjective over objective truth.

"Liberal feminism prioritises first-world women’s accounts of feeling empowered, shunning women who don’t have the language, resources, Twitter/Tumblr accounts to articulate the extent of their oppression."
-Laura McNally

A recent comment by Emma Watson published by @TheWomensOrg comes to mind:
"If you want to run for Prime Minister, you can. If you don’t, that’s wonderful, too. Shave your armpits, don’t shave them, wear flats one day, heels the next; We want to empower women to do exactly what they want."

At face value, perhaps to those privileged few, "those privileged or lucky enough never to have come up against male violence or sexual assault, and who’ve never troubled to educate themselves on how prevalent it is," this may seem like a completely innocuous and perhaps well-intentioned statement.

The problem is that it is playing into the hegemony of power that has been constructed by a patriarchal culture, and instead of critiquing it or attempting to dismantle it, 'choice' or 'liberal' feminism reframes and rebrands OPPRESSION as 'choice' and EXPLOITATION as 'empowerment'.

It's very easy to say and do this. It requires no effort at all to uphold the current hegemony of power.

“… without a doubt it is more comfortable to endure blind bondage than to work for one’s liberation; the dead, too, are better suited to the earth than the living.”
-Simone de Beauvoir

I find myself growing increasingly weary of the state of women's existence, and what some women themselves, like Emma Watson, contribute to the perpetuation of such an existence.

Her empty words are just that - empty. They only apply to a very privileged minority and such facile and vapid statements cannot, in this world, be considered 'feminist'- in fact, they are closer to 'anti-feminist' or 'anti-liberation' rhetoric.

What angers and saddens me is that I am 10 years younger than her and so I grew up in the mess that is 'third-wave feminism', the mess that she is the mainstream face of, and so I know the level of cognitive dissonance it takes to simultaneously consider oneself 'feminist' and hold only fundamentally 'anti-feminist' ideals and viewpoints. I can also see the potential difference she could genuinely make for women and girls of all ages globally, with her privilege and platform and supposed intelligence.

With her privilege she should be able to see and know and have access to things and people and information and resources that perhaps people without privilege will never have access to, and with her supposed intelligence, she should have the capacity to understand and apply critical thinking to those things.

Instead, she 'chooses' to parrot meaningless mantras that 'genders' the word 'woman', contributing to the subjugation of an entire class of people, and remains in a comfortable bubble of wilful ignorance while four billion fellow women and girls suffer.
"... the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy ..."
The time came, and Emma Watson made her choice, and she chose 'easy'. At the end of the day, she doesn't owe the world anything, and she's the one who has to live with herself and her choices.

The problem is when those choices are actively harming children- GNC children who are now being indoctrinated to believe the nonsense that they were 'born in the wrong body'. Saying nothing while children are being mutilated, or in her case, actively and publically supporting and funding the mutilation of children is not just an 'easy' choice, but the sinister choice.

By the time she realises how far the wool has been pulled over her eyes, it will be too late and pointless because irrevocable harm will have already been done to an entire generation of children.

"Feminism isn't about choice thanks Emma. Feminism is about power. And deciding to wear uncomfortable shoes that look hot and that no one in the actually powerful class is ever expected to wear is not "empowerment", is it"

"By making it all about women's choices are favourite ninny, Emma Watson, denies the systematic oppression of women. Oppression is having restricted choices, a double bind - no matter what choice you make you will be blamed for something.

When 87,000 women are murdered globally in a year, European countries are leaving the Istanbul Convention, feminism has bigger problems than armpit shaving. Note how she focus on the superficial, heels or flats, shaving or not. Emma Watson turns principles into a consumer item.

This celebrity 'feminism' as presented by Emma Watson is designed to be vapid. It is not meant to present any real challenge to the status quo or solutions, for example, to the estimated 1.6 million women being beaten by their partners.

Emma Watson and the women she represents are used in a variety of ways to defang feminism. To present the problem of male violence & exploitation of women as a choice individual women can make glides over the fact we face it as a class. It obscures the pattern.

For Emma Watson to present feminism's big goals, feminism's large intellectual inquiries and analysis as between different types of shoe is to deliberately make our liberation movement look silly, to ridicule us. Who would take that political movement seriously?

Imagine a world where magazines carried real feminist quotes about the harsh reality of living under male control & exploitation. Don't quote Emma Watson, quote Dr Em. No shoes,but:
'How many rapes until we take decisive action, what is the special number I am to be patient for?"

==See Dr EM's brilliant I was sold a lie thread.==

"I'm sorry but i have to ask, why is liberal feminism even a thing? Why do women like Emma devote much of their lives to something so meaningless? What do they think they're doing? When you rebrand almost all forms of female oppression as empowerment what are you fighting for?"

"Liberal feminism is bankrupt: it condemns “discrimination” and advocates “freedom of choice,” but, refuses to address constraints that make empowerment impossible for the majority of women. Watson uses “feminism” as a trending hashtag and a vehicle of disgusting self-promotion"

"“We want to empower women to do exactly what they want.”
Yes, without ever examining the societal forces that influence them into wanting those things."

"If you were tweeting about men would shoes be the third thing you mentioned?"

Gay Pride, i.e. Gay Liberation Movement

Lesbians (L), bisexuals (B), and gay men (G), are minority sexual orientations.

The majority of the world is heterosexual.

Thus, Gay Pride - the Gay Liberation Movement - was born.

There is a FALSE narrative that is widely believed that Marsha P. Johnson, was a "black transgender woman" and with "transgender woman Sylvia Rivera" "threw the first brick at the Stonewall Inn 50 years ago, sparking the modern gay liberation movement".

This is FALSE. To quote Fred Sargeant, who was actually there, a Stonewall veteran and a first Pride founder and organizer, "Need to retweet this as the drag-queens-did-it-all continues apace during Pride week. Stormé DeLarverie started it all. Johnson didn't start it nor did Rivera. They weren't there when we rioted. We weren't inspired by them.Not enough characters on Twitter to enumerate their lies."

"Malcolm identified as a gay man into drag. He would correct johns/clients who mistook him for a woman, according to him. You're free to believe what you'd like; you're not free to correct people when you're wrong. That's how life works."
"Malcolm was a sex worker who corrected johns/clients when they mistook him for a woman. He readily identified as a gay man into drag. Don't trans the dead. Listen to his own words."
"There were no bricks thrown. That was an embellishment fabricated by a drunk straight reporter for his story about the riots. Malcolm Michaels, drag name Marsha Johnson, was a gay man and arrived more than a half hour after the start of the riot."

In Malcolm/Marsha's OWN WORDS:

Marsha P. Johnson: "The way I winded up being at Stonewall that night, I was having a party uptown. And I didn’t get downtown until about two o’clock. And we were all out there and Miss Sylvia Rivera and them were over in the park having a cocktail.

Cuz when I got downtown the place was already on fire and it was a raid already. The riots had already started. And they said the police went in there and set the place on fire. They said the police set it on fire because they originally wanted the Stonewall to close, so they had several raids.

And there was this, uh, Tiffany and, oh, this other drag queen that used to work there in the coat check room and then they had all these bartenders. And the night before the Stonewall riots started, before they closed the bar, we were all there and we all had to line up against the wall and they was all searching us."

In 1992, a documentary called “Pay It No Mind” was made in which Malcolm Johnson (drag name Marsha Johnson) said once and for all that he is a GAY MAN (34:30).

Click here for the TRUE Marsha Johnson Story, told four days before his death, by Johnson himself



1. The Stonewall riots were started by a butch lesbian, Stormé DeLarverie, who threw the first punch, who cried out, "Why don't you do something?", following which the riot broke out, who "electrified the crowd and inspired that first night's rioting."

2. Transgender activists & their allies are engaged in a propaganda effort to rewrite LGB history at Stonewall & Pride, and transing dead people.

3. These lies are an insult to the memory of the conceiver of Pride, Craig Rodwell, and the many hundreds of lesbians and gays who created Pride. No drag queen or transwoman was involved.

5. The Stonewall Riots were sparked by a butch lesbian, Stormé DeLarverie. There was no transwoman, black or white, at the start of the riot. The first Pride march was conceived of, proposed by and organised by two lesbians (Ellen Broidy and Linda Rhodes) and two gay men (Craig Rodwell and Fred Sargeant).

6. Malcolm Johnson was not there when the riot began.

7. Marsha Johnson, aka Malcolm, was a self-proclaimed gay man, drag queen, transvestite, until his death, on June 26, 1992. Malcolm Johnson was not a transwoman. He was a gay man into drag (drag name Marsha Johnson) and objected to being called a woman.

"When the Stonewall riots happened, the movement was well poised to react, and react we did. Lesbians and gay men organized on site, we demonstrated and, more importantly, fought back effectively for the very first time. Stormé DeLarverie called out to us, "Why don't you do something?" So we did something. Throughout the summer and fall, we organized, demonstrated, and began to create our dream, a march to commemorate our action at Stonewall and for the next year's anniversary on June 28, 1970.

I have spent the last six months dispelling the myths of Stonewall and speaking up for the forgotten gays and lesbians who gave us what we have today."

-Fred Sargeant

Pride is proud movement for lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights, to encourage and show pride in oneself, to normalise same-sex and both-sex attraction, to show true acceptance for one's sexual orientation, and likewise ask that the world show acceptance for one's sexual orientation, and take pride in not attempting to change one's sexual orientation based on the world's preconceived notions.

Transgender identity politics has completely DEMOLISHED gay pride.
Transgenderism has perverted gay PRIDE into gay SHAME.

Gay Pride has been HIJACKED by homophobic 'gender identity' believers, dog impersonators, furries, kinksters, drag, fetishists, BDSM, 'queers', other paraphilias, and pedophiles (calling themselves MAPs).

These things have NOTHING to do with 'Pride' - GET YOUR OWN DAMN MARCH - and pedophiles have no business being ALIVE, let alone part of 'Pride'.

This is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to the purpose of PRIDE, which was to foster mainstream acceptance of LGB people, not have them falsely associated with pedophiles and paraphilias and perverts, when LGB people have fought SO HARD and SO LONG to NOT be associated with them.

What has happened to the once proud movement for lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights??

This is pure malice.

Homosexual spaces and organisations have been colonised. Especially by homophobic people who don't believe in sexual orientation, who have rebranded it as 'genital preference'.

Woke homophobia towards lesbians
See woke homophobia and the abuse of lesbians by trans & queer activists, anti-lesbian harassment, coercion, and shaming of exclusively same-sex attracted females by people in the LGBT community. Content warning: The screenshots on this page include many phrases used in conversion therapy (sexual orientation change efforts). There are mentions of rape.

2020 One example of Lesbian Conversion Therapy advocated by the so-called 'LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA' community: a young lesbian "g0th1ck" only 17 years old.

Abuse of young lesbian 'g0th1ck'

Being a woman is not a reality, it's just a “fun little upgrade” from being a man, and being a lesbian is not a reality, it's just a "fun little upgrade" from being a straight man.

Disgusting 'Turn me into a girl' Website

More abuse of 17-year-old lesbian 'g0th1ck'

Continued abuse of young lesbian 'g0th1ck'

Woke homophobia towards gay men
See woke homophobia and the abuse of gay men by trans & queer activists, anti-gay harassment, coercion, and shaming of exclusively same-sex attracted males by people in the LGBT community. Content warning: The screenshots on this page include many phrases used in conversion therapy (sexual orientation change efforts). There are mentions of rape.

LGB Alliance
Organisations such as LGB Alliance have formed to advance the interest of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals at a time when they are under threat from concerted attempts to introduce confusion between biological sex and the notion of gender.

They amplify the voices of lesbians and highlight the dual discrimination they experience as women who are same-sex attracted in a male-dominated society. They support women's reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.

They protect children and young people from being taught unscientific gender doctrines, particularly the idea that they may have been born in the wrong body, which may lead to life-changing and potentially harmful medical procedures.

They promote respectful freedom of speech and informed dialogue.

A truly wonderful organisation that promotes positivity and support for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.

The true embodiment of Gay Pride.

Sexual Orientation

Lesbian: human female homosexual, i.e. a human female exclusively attracted to human females.

Gay man: human male homosexual, i.e. a human male exclusively attracted to human males.

Bi woman: human female bisexual, i.e. a human female attracted to both human females and human males.

Bi man: human male bisexual, i.e. a human male attracted to both human females and human males.

Straight woman: human female heterosexual, i.e. a human female exclusively attracted to human males.

Straight man: human male heterosexual, i.e. a human male exclusively attracted to human females.


These words are DESCRIPTORS. They are not up for colonisation. Their meaning is not up for debate.
Lesbian, gay man, bi woman, bi man, straight woman, and straight man, are BIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTORS of SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS.
They are NOT sexual 'preferences'.
They are NOT ‘identities’, nor are they related to ‘gender’.
They are SEXual orientations.
Not ‘genderual’ orientations.

Words exist for a reason: so that humans are able to effectively communicate with and understand one another.

Don’t attach yourself to a label, or attach a label to yourself prematurely.

Find out or figure out who you’re attracted to, THEN choose a descriptor that describes you accurately.

Don’t choose a label, then attempt to change the MEANING of that DESCRIPTOR based on your individual experience.

This defeats the purpose of having words and language.
Words are important for accurate communication and understanding.

If trans-identified people wish to describe their own sexual orientation with reference to 'gender', that is their prerogative.
However, they cannot colonise the words which exist to describe and represent and reflect people's realities and sexual orientations, and change that person's reality by changing the meaning of the words used to describe them.
"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
Attempting to do this is denigrating and dehumanising and demeaning and utterly absurd and reeks of privilege and entitlement, to think an individual can usurp the realities of a minority group.

Consenting Adults to Date/Sleep With if You're a Human Female

If you are a human female, i.e. woman/girl (non-binary female, transsexual female/transman/trans-identified female, other gender nonconforming female), you can date/sleep with consenting adults who are:

1 lesbians
2 bi women
4 bi men
4 straight men

If you are a human female, you CANNOT date/sleep with or ATTEMPT TO date/sleep with gay men, or straight women.


If you are a human female- no matter how you identify or what you look like or what hormones you take or what surgeries you get- and you date/sleep with a human male- no matter how they identify or what they look like or what hormones they take or what surgeries they get- you are not 'lesbian'.

You are either 'straight' or 'bisexual'.

If you are a human female- no matter how you identify or what you look like or what hormones you take or what surgeries you get- and you date/sleep with a human female- no matter how they identify or what they look like or what hormones they take or what surgeries they get- you are not 'straight'.

You are either 'lesbian' or 'bisexual'.

Words are important.
Do not use or attempt to redefine descriptors that do not belong to you.

Consenting Adults to Date/Sleep With if You're a Human Male

If you are a human male, i.e. man/boy (non-binary male, transsexual male/transwoman/trans-identified male, other gender nonconforming male), you can date/sleep with consenting adults who are:

1 gay men
2 bi women
4 bi men
4 straight women

If you are a human male, you CANNOT date/sleep with or ATTEMPT TO date/sleep with lesbians, or straight men.


If you are a human male- no matter how you identify or what you look like or what hormones you take or what surgeries you get- and you date/sleep with a human female- no matter how they identify or what they look like or what hormones they take or what surgeries they get- you are not 'gay'.

You are either 'straight' or 'bisexual'.

If you are a human male- no matter how you identify or what you look like or what hormones you take or what surgeries you get- and you date/sleep with a human male- no matter how they identify or what they look like or what hormones they take or what surgeries they get- you are not 'straight'.

You are either 'gay' or 'bisexual'.

Words are important.
Do not use or attempt to redefine descriptors that do not belong to you.

Transgender Ideology, i.e. 'Gender Identity' Believers

NOTE: This is about 'gender identity' ideology, about 'transgender', not transsexuals.

'Transgenderism' is an ideology that conflates 'transgender' (usually non-homosexual autogynephilics (AGPs)) and 'transsexual' (usually homosexual transsexuals (HSTS)), and puts them under a huge 'trans' umbrella, along with 'feminine men' and 'masculine women' and 'drag queens' and 'intersex persons' and 'transvestites' and 'cross dressers'.

Here are just a few examples of transwomen who think women are sexual objects and get their ideas about womanhood from porn.

(NOTE: Sometimes HSTS are AGPs as well. Additionally, HSTS, just like other gay men, are capable of being misogynists.)

Transsexual people feel a type of body dysmorphia, in that it is specifically sex related, i.e. sex dysmorphia. They feel an intense discomfort with their sexed body, and 'transition' to feel more comfortable, becoming transsexual. They do not change sex, as that is impossible, as sex is immutable, but they undergo surgery to feel more comfortable in their bodies.

Follow the wonderful and insightful @iamtranssexual on Twitter.

Transgender people, on the other hand, are apparently people who reject their 'gender', a social construct, in favour of that more closely linked with that of the opposite sex. But sometimes, they don't even do that. Some stay exactly the same, change nothing at all, reject nothing, and just claim they are the opposite sex, and under this ideology, they ARE what they say they are. No diagnosis, no gender dysphoria, no sex dysmorphia, no change, no discomfort, no rejection, just CLAIMING so means they ARE so.

According to this ideology, absolutely NOTHING is required to declare one's change from man to 'woman', or woman to 'man', except to just say so.

There's a difference between gender dysphoria and sex dysmorphia.

Transsexual; rejection of the sexed body.

Transgender; anyone who says so.

This is the new 'gender identity' ideology that is purported by Trans Rights Activists (TRAs), or rather Gender Identity Campaigners (GICs) because they certainly do not represent transsexual people's rights. This is an ideology that says that gender dysphoria is not necessary to be trans, that sex dysmorphia is not necessary to be trans, that transsexuals who think that it IS necessary are 'scum', and any person who says men are not women are 'TERFs', and that any man who says they are a 'woman' IS a woman, and any woman who says they are a 'man' IS a man.

This ideology is not only dangerous and damaging to women and children, but transsexuals, too, who are now being lumped together with all these people who are NOT transsexual, these people who seek to colonise a sex class that does not belong to them.

Transsexual people and women who speak out about this are spoken over, called 'T*RFs' and worse.

Dr Jane Claire Jones:

"Gender is a set of social conventions which prescribe the behaviour proper to each sex. People can and should do whatever they want with how they perform - or, if you are a feminist, usually, refuse to perform - gender. Gender is the structure by which female people have been socialised into a power hierarchy that serves the interests of males. If some people want to identify with that structure and define themselves by it, that is their choice. Female people who understand gender as a system of oppression have a right to refuse to be defined by it.

... a longstanding propagandist effort by the trans rights movement to erase the material reality of sex and shift us to a social, legal and political framework in which everyone is defined by gender.

The erasure of the recognition of sex-based oppression both in political discourse and in legal statues, means changing the meaning of the word 'woman' to a mixed sex gender category. In that state of affairs, female people cannot politically organise around their own interests, they will have no female only spaces, they will have no female only sports, they will have no female only political representation, lesbians will not be allowed to exclude male people from their dating pool.

All of these things are happening right now. Any woman who tries to dissent is threatened and intimidated.

Women are losing their jobs. Women have been physically assaulted. Many women in public life have grave concerns and are terrified to speak out. Women who do speak out, as was amply shown by the treatment of JK Rowling, are sent sexualised and violent threats.

Erasing the recognition of sex-based power serves the interests of males.

This is patriarchy, on steroids."

People who believe in ‘gender identity’ can’t even be consistent. We all know that lesbians are on the receiving end of BS from men who claim to be women. Even when they look like this.

Yesterday @jk_rowling expressed concern -again- over the rush to medicalise gay teens. Her concern is consistently misrepresented as "transphobic". If you're confused here's my beginner's guide to the 'gender identity' war and why JK is right.

Speech by Emily Weir of Gender Critical Autistics: 1.6% of the general population are autistic. Whilst 35% of child gender referrals are autistic! Gender Critical Autistics refuse to let “genocide” happen to autistic people again.

See threads:



human females, i.e. women/girls (non-binary females, transsexual females/transmen/trans-identified females, other gender nonconforming females):

human males, i.e. men/boys (non-binary males, transsexual males/transwomen/trans-identified males, other gender nonconforming males):


Requesting that other people use pronouns that don't reflect one's biological sex when talking about or referring to you, is only a request.
It is not a demand, and cannot be enforced, nor is it 'violence' or 'hate speech' for someone to refuse to comply with such a request.

Especially in medical settings, where establishing biological sex and treating accordingly is vital and a matter of life and death, the use of accurate pronouns is essential and one of the ways this reality can be quickly reflected and expressed.

Pronouns are not 'gendered'. Pronouns are sexed.

Stop 'gendering' everything. Unnecessarily 'gendering' words that reflect an immutable binary determined at conception observed at birth biological reality is extremely dangerous.

However, in a private setting, it is up to each individual to make a personal choice and decide whether or not to comply with a request.

There are young gender nonconforming girls out there, who are struggling every day to authentically be and express themselves - I know because I am one - and not be called 'boys' or 'he' for doing so.
Allow these girls to be free from society's expectations and embrace WHO they are without forcing them to attempt to change WHAT they are.
Similarly, there are young gender nonconforming boys out there, who are struggling every day to authentically be and express themselves, and not be called 'girls' or 'she' for doing so.
Allow these boys to be free from society's expectations and embrace WHO they are without forcing them to attempt to change WHAT they are.

Show some compassion for these kids who are just discovering the world and their place in it.

It's cruel, really, to be a part of a group in the world telling children they were 'born in the wrong body' simply because they do not conform, or that their biological reality needs to be denied or shunned or altered or mutilated in order for them to truly be themselves.

What they need to hear, and what is objectively true, is that they are perfect just as they are, and that these words - female, woman, girl, she, her, hers, herself, male, man, boy, he, him, his, himself - are gender-neutral, and only reflect one's biological sex.

Be a part of teaching children to accept themselves exactly as they are, because most children don't have the luxury of parents who teach that to them or accept them.

Here's a thought provoking article looking at the psychological impact of using 'preferred' pronouns.



Compilation of Articles and Videos by La Scapigliata

Decide For Yourself: Transgender Crimes

Women: Decide For Yourselves

Consequences of Transgender Laws and Trans Propaganda, i.e. They Say This Never Happens

The trans murder epidemic is a LIE

Vancouver Rape Relief Targeted with Vile Vandalism

Trans Crime

TRA Violent Threats

These are not our Crimes

TERF is a slur; abuse, harassment, and misogyny of transgender identity politics

Ms Jo Rowling and the trans activists


Lesbian Shame Receipts

Gay Shame Receipts


The Annals of the TERF Wars

TRAs, Rape-Logic, and the Economy of Entitlement

On feminist genealogy: Reading the reading of "Rereading the Second Wave"

Gay Rights and Trans Rights - A Compare and Contrast

The Radical Notion That Women Are People

Twitter, Trans Rights Totalitarianism, and the Erasure of Sex.

A Dialogue Between a Trans Woman and a Feminist Who Isn't Just A Figment of The Trans Woman's Mind

Judith Butler: How To Disappear Patriarchy In Three Easy Steps

'Unreasonable Ideas' - A Reply to Alison Phipps

On the Being of Female People


Ms Jo Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues

Ms Maya Forstater writes about Sex and Gender

A Question of Consent

GLINNER! Women Are Important

The Cry of GLINNER!

Canada Gender Report

Fair Cop UK

Fair Play for Women

Feminist Current

Victim Focus Blog by Dr Jessica Taylor

For Women Scot

How do ‘altruistic’ and commercial surrogacy affect the rights of women and children?

How Gender Self-Declaration Undermines Women’s Rights

Legally this is not a trans rights issue it’s a sex rights issue

LGB Alliance

New Zealand Speak Up for Women

Object Now: Women Not Sex Objects

Read about other kinds of dysphoria e.g. Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID) or 'transabled' people

Peak Trans, i.e. when the threshold of cognitive dissonance that the trans ideology requires of someone exceeds the limits of a person's willing suspension of disbelief, and that person's eyes open to where they can no longer agree with the narrative

Radical Feminism Books

Sex, gender and gender identity: a re-evaluation of the evidence

The New Backlash

Uncommon Ground

Woman’s Place UK

Women are Human

Women's Liberation Front


Trans Widows Voices


Reddit Gender Critical Archive
“Sixty thousand women snuffed out of speech, while the Struggle-Fuck goes on because our degradation makes them hard” (Dr Jane Clare Jones)

Reddit It's A Fetish Archive

Facebook 'Not' a Fetish

Fuck 'Reddit', Women are Ovarit

Saidit Gender Critical

Spinster, i.e. Twitter’s Non-Misogynist Sister

Mumsnet: feminist chat, activism, book clubs, support, and theory


Amy Sousa YouTube Channel

Dr Jane Clare Jones “Male Power”

Graham Linehan / Glinner YouTube Channel

Glinner: A chat with Doctor Jane Clare Jones

Kellie-Jay Keen / Posie Parker YouTube Channel

Paradox Institute YouTube Channel

Francis Aaron “Boys Will Be Girls”; a rap song about transgenderism- the point: people are free to live their lives however they so desire, but biology cannot be overthrown

Peachyoghurt Genderfree YouTube Channel

Queer Theory Jeopardy (Professor Derrick Jensen) / Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy w/ Derrick Jensen, unlisted


All her videos are perfection, just like she was; Rest in Power Magdalen.

64. My ladybrain update #2 | Glioblastoma

63. RE: “cis” lesbians react to “terfs” | #getthelout.

62. RE: “I asked my Corporate Job if I could Wear the Men's Uniform”

61. A chat with Posie Parker on free speech, feminism and Mermaids UK

60. Re: What is a TERF?

59. Dr Williams on the Gender Recognition Act 2004 Scottish Review

58. Exiled ‘male feminist’ declares himself a woman | #stopclymer

57. Commentary: An "LGBT" response to #cbbindia on #cbbuk | #cbb

56. #RapeyRiley destroyed on rape culture within 2 mins.

55. "Queen of TERFs"... really?

54. Answering the question: "How are you?" | My ladybrain update #1

53. So what’s wrong with “pregnant female”?

52. On Theresa May’s Speech at #PinkNewsAwards

51. Transgender activists assault woman at Speakers’ Corner

50. Commentary: Trump's trans military "ban" | #transban

49. Guest Video: RE "A Chat About Dating 'Preferences'"

48. Answering the question: Is the term bisexual transphobic?

47. Meghan Murphy Presents a Feminist Case Against Bill C-16

46. Prince of Queens Shares His Feelings…

45. My Lady-Brain...

44. Transgender vs. transtrender identity: a false distinction

43. RE: "The REAL Problem with TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists)"

42. RE: "Are genital preferences transphobic?" Give it up, Riley!

41. RE: "TERF Wars"... Receipts Please?

40. Transactivist Gets Rekt By Julie Bindel

39. Why We Don’t Need "Real" Lesbian Porn

38. RE: "I'm Transphobic Because I Like Boobs & Vagina"

37. RE: "FEMINISM: THE BIGGEST JOKE (Women's March)"

36. Gender and sex: anti-feminist, trans activist and feminist interpretations

35. Misgendering is violence? Nah, Mate!

34. 1 Reason Everyday Feminism Is Bad For Women

33. Riley Dennis Sounding Like a Cult Preacher (Again)

32. On Being Openly Gender Critical And Female In 2016

31. RE: This Is What a Woman Looks Like

30. Riley, You Are Not A Lesbian - Not A Feminist Either

29. #blacktranslivesmatter - "black women are part of the problem"?

28. RE: "your dating preferences are discriminatory"

27. Reading Channel Hate Comments

26. United STATE of America

25. Two Genders? Roles, Identities & Dysphoria: What DSM-5 Says.

24. Response: "Agenderphobic YouTube Girls - Two Genders?"

23. Answering The Question: Why Do You HATE Transwomen?

22. Debunking Myths about "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism" ("TERF")

21. Commentary: Non-Men, Front Holes & #CzarnyProtest

20. Answering: Should We Say "Gold Star" Or "Platinum" Gay?

19. Thinking Differently - Gender Identity In Student Spaces

18. No, Gigi. You Are Not A Lesbian

17. Feminine Consultant Teaching Transwomen How to Play Women

16. NUS Safespace & No-Platform Censorship

15. #AllSpeechMatters? Not According to Transactivists of the Men's "Rights" Movement...

14. MGTOW Immediate Solutions? Delusions More Like!

13. Transgender People Can Be Straight... NOT The Way You Think!

12. Transing a 5 Year Old Tomboy

11. TransActivists Shut Down Speech, Disrupt Moment of Silence for LG Orlando Victims

10. Response To Trans Bathrooms

9. The Cotton Ceiling: A Post Modern Affront to Lesbianism

8. Response: Gender is NOT a Social Construct

7. Thank You For 1000 Subscribers

6. Response: The Truth About Transgenders

5. RE: "Caitlyn Jenner Meets Her Critics"

4. What Kind Of Fools Do Transgender UK and Stonewall Take Us For?

3. Non Binary Bullsh*t

2. Lesbians owning Lesbian

1. There Is No Such Thing as a Lesbian With a Penis!

© Grace Howard. Women's rights reserved.